the mittens Ive knitted for a friends birthday present which I pictured before.. just sewing up some slippers for her too which are in same colours but not so fluffy!
I just realised I haven't really mentioned that I have the most beautiful baby niece and nephew ever :D (well i am a little biased) Rosa was one last saturday and Ben is one in May! I love them both dearly and I look after Ben every other friday :D they are very cute!
Here is my beautiful niece Rosa, wearing the poncho I knitted her for her first birthday which was last saturday! Its knitted with essence wool and I made the pattern up, theres a little flower on the hood too but its round the side!
Here are my cousins' two lovely children, Noah 4 and Rosie 5. Rosie is wearing a jumper that my nan had just knitted for her using 4ply self patterning sock wool!! wasnt the cheapest wool but i love the effect!!